Specialist in Seychelles

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Formed by the union of peoples, religions and traditions over the centuries, the “Creole” culture is surprising and reflects in all cultural aspects of the country and in its gastronomy, full of fish, seafood, seasonings and spices. This proximity to nature also reflects the great responsibility with which the local government values ​​sustainable tourism. About 50% of its land area is preserved and the destination invests in many conservation and preservation practices. Undoubtedly, an example for the planet.

Next, you will learn the best way to reach this paradise, the main islands of this archipelago and how to travel between them; you will know that it is an ideal destination to visit all year round and perfect for different types of clients, including couples, families with children and groups of friends; you will feel how the “seychellois” live; and you will see everything the country has to offer for an unforgettable trip.

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