Visit norway
Photo: Sverre Hjornevik
Visit norway
Photo: Martin Håndlykken
Visit norway
Photo: Nikolas Gogstad
Visit norway
Photo: Samuel Taipale
Visit norway
Photo: Christian Roth Christensen
Visit norway
Photo: Christian Roth Christensen
Visit norway
Photo: Renato Granieri

As equipes da Visit Norway estão felizes em convidá-lo para o Visit Norway Insights, um ponto de encontro digital entre destinos noruegueses e você, o setor de turismo – de todo o mundo. Em nossa plataforma, por meio de seminários digitais e fam trips virtuais, queremos inspirá-lo, fornecer-lhe um conhecimento mais aprofundado e mais oportunidades para interagir conosco.

Potencie sua Agência de Viagens com Expertise sobre a Noruega

Nossa plataforma oferece cursos especializados sobre a Noruega, projetados especificamente para agentes de viagens e disponíveis tanto em português quanto em espanhol. Aumente seu conhecimento e suas habilidades para melhor atender seus clientes, mergulhando na rica cultura, paisagens deslumbrantes e oportunidades de viagem únicas da Noruega. Seja focando em passeios históricos, atrações naturais ou experiências culturais, nossos cursos fornecem insights abrangentes e informações práticas. Equipe-se com a expertise necessária para criar aventuras norueguesas inesquecíveis para seus clientes.

Webinars Norway

Norway Digital day 2020

NORWAY DIGITAL DAY O Norway Digital Day visa inspirar o público com conteúdos cativantes que vão além das informações básicas sobre este incrível destino,

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Webinar Innovation Norway – PT

Webinar Innovation Norway Gostaria de conhecer a fundo as belezas e destaques que a Noruega oferece durante todo o ano? Junte se a nós para

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Webinar Innovation Norway – ES

Webinar Innovation Norway ¿Te gustaría conocer en profundidad las bellezas y aspectos más destacados que ofrece Noruega durante todo el año? Acompáñanos a una inmersión

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Visit Norway Insights 2022

stay for a while...


The coastline, mountain plateaus and inland is what makes Norway such a wonderful country offering so much to experience with different activities, but also within nature experiences. You can experience snow in the mountain, and 20 minutes later, coming down to the narrow fjord – where the grass is green, flowers are in bloom, and birds are singing. And travelling from South to Norway, halfway there, you will cross the Polar Circle. You are now entering the magic of the Arctic, where the sun never sets during summer, and the Northern lights dances across the skies during Autumn and Winter.

Four different seasons – all full of magic experiences. And with so many contrasts in where you choose to experience them. Norway is not fully experienced with just one visit. So welcome to Norway – again and again, and, please, stay for a while!


Spring in Norway, stay for a while

Spring in Norway, stay for a while When the white carpet of snow starts melting, it is like nature, animals and people awakens after a

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Summer in Norway, stay for a while

Summer in Norway, stay for a while For many, summer is sun, bathing and hot humid weather. A Norwegian Summer day, can also be like

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Autumn in Norway, stay for a while

Autumn in Norway, stay for a while When the nature changes from green into yellow, orange and red – and the sky is more blue

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Webinar Innovation Norway – PT

Webinar Innovation Norway Gostaria de conhecer a fundo as belezas e destaques que a Noruega oferece durante todo o ano? Junte se a nós para

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Visit Norway Insights 2021

Each event is Composedof 2 days


Meet our regional destination companies! During the first day you will learn about the locations and services provided by the partners. Each speaker will share presentations and videos to show you the amazing experiences you guests can enjoy when visiting Norway.


Our regional destination companies are looking forward to welcome you digitally to their region, giving you a live taste of what they have to offer within the different themes. From the seminars and detailed introductions, we take to on a short visit to see and experience with your own eyes.


Norway Insights – CHRISTMAS

CHRISTMASPhoto: Mattias Fredriksson For Norwegians, Christmas is synonymous with family time and traditions. We gather around the dinner table for our traditional Christmas meals, we

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Norway Insights – ADVENTURE

ADVENTUREPhoto: Mattias FredrikssonADVENTUREPhoto: Fredrik MyhreADVENTUREPhoto: Mattias Fredriksson Previous slide Next slide With steep mountains, fjords, mountain plateaus, lakes, forests and coastline, adventure experiences awaits everyone,

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Norway Insights – CULTURE & FOOD

CULTURE & FOODPhoto: Christian Roth ChristensenCULTURE & FOODPhoto: Einar AslaksenCULTURE & FOODPhoto: Previous slide Next slide From sweet treats like berries, waffles and ciders,

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EXCLUSIVE EXPERIENCESPhoto: Samuel TaipaleEXCLUSIVE EXPERIENCESPhoto: Johan WildhagenEXCLUSIVE EXPERIENCESPhoto: Marius Beck Dahle Previous slide Next slide In Norway, high-end travel means wellbeing, authenticity and disconnection. Taking

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Norway Insights – TRAVEL SLOW

TRAVEL SLOWPhoto: Nikolas Gogstad-AndersenTRAVEL SLOWPhoto: Marcus EkTRAVEL SLOWPhoto: Magnus Furset Previous slide Next slide Slow travel is an approach to travel that emphasizes connection: to

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Norway Insights – TRAVEL GREEN

TRAVEL GREENPhoto: Sverreh JornevikTRAVEL GREENPhoto: Didrick_StenersenTRAVEL GREENPhoto: Martin Håndlykken Previous slide Next slide The train journeys in Norway have many time been announced as some

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